
“You already have the precious mixture that will make you well. Learn now to use it” — Rumi

Focus on expression of feelings

[ bur-nish ]
verb (used with object)
to polish (a surface) by friction.
to make smooth and bright.
gloss; brightness; luster: 


For as long as I can remember, I have been a Seeker. I’ve always felt a deep longing to know and understand myself and to make sense of the often confounding experience of being human. And I’ve explored many paths pursuing my truth. In the course of my journey, I learned that I am willing to peer into dark canyons within and have discovered that what lies beyond is precious. By facing fear, self doubt, and the strategies I developed to protect myself from pain, I learned how to identify feelings in my body and to sit with them. Unfolding from a lifetime of distortions and limiting beliefs, I began to experience belonging,  a profound connection to myself, and an ability to feel more connected to those around me. My Seeking enabled me to dissolve the habitual defenses to which I’d become so attached and see myself clearly. I began to feel more freedom and pleasure in being me. My flaws and mistakes became opportunities to accept myself with more kindness and humility while also assisting me to explore what it means to live in integrity.

Having a guide to assist in self-transformation – someone to hold sacred space for us and call us forward while we explore our wild, unknown selves – is incredibly powerful when working to heal long standing self-rejection and isolation. 

It takes courage to face our fears and false core beliefs, yet it is essential in order to find more peace, contentment, and to feel at home with the Self. 

My explorations, learning, Seeking, and discovering led me to realize that I long to stand beside others who also ache to inhabit themselves fully. Working with me, you can expect someone who will unflinchingly peer into the darkness with you, as well as celebrate with you as you melt from numbness into a deeper feeling state within yourself. What lies beyond are the sensations of aliveness and the relief that comes from re-membering the wholeness and integration that are our birthright – which can only begin to emerge once we recognize that we’ve forgotten them.  By embracing how life burnishes us, we allow the pleasure of freedom and self acceptance,  delight in the senses, and breathe with the joy of welcoming home lost aspects of ourselves we rejected along the way.

I applaud all those whose hearts long for more and am honored to be a part of your journey.


Creative expression can assist us to learn much more about ourselves when we know how to tap in

About Me

I have been practicing therapy since 1995 and have come to have a deep respect for the capacity we have for growth throughout our lifetimes, and the wisdom that our bodies hold within to guide us towards that growth. I see my role as a therapist as one of being a guide in service of encouraging others to uncover and discover their own wisdom and template for healthy expression and emotional freedom.

Mission & Vision

I want to work with the tribe of spirits who want to play in the wild unknown and to celebrate every aspect of aliveness~the delight, the grit, the fear, pain and wonder.  I welcome other beings to create with me a culture in which we can all revel in the complexity and messiness of being authentically human, bravely exploring memories, feelings, and emotions, and diving deeper into owning and choosing ourselves again and again.

In this world, we dissolve shame, embrace realness and honor wisdom.

My Practice


3421 Conrad St., 1st Floor
Philadelphia, PA  19129
(267) 975-4426

Open Hours

Monday - Friday:
11am - 6pm