I will be leading an evening of personal journey-sharing, guided imagery, and energy healing for women who are child free and have sought to understand, accept and embrace this state fully.

In our culture, there is a lot of pressure on women to become mothers and raise children.  These expectations may begin when we ourselves are still children and can intensify after we become adults.  Often that pressure can feel unbearable.  For some, it is a clear decision, while others struggle with their own uncertainty, still others may have health issues that have made fertility impossible.  Identifying our own needs, after a lifetime of conditioning and alienation from ourselves can be difficult, let alone finding ways to communicate about this deeply personal issue to others who may not be understanding or supportive.

We will spend time together sharing our experiences and creating space within, to accept and honor ourselves deeply.  The intention of this evening is to dismantle the paradigm that assumes all women wish to be mothers and to create a new understanding that respects and celebrates the choices of all women, recognizing the many and unique ways we each express womanhood.

This is a gathering that welcomes all people AFAB and those who may not identify with being a woman but have faced the challenge of navigating whether or not to become a parent.